Friday, July 30, 2010

Knocking on Mr. Brain: Chapter 2

Random thought 4: Anxiety
Stress beckons to our world that leads to fear

Fear of the unknown, yet mild anxiety is healthy

Just don’t loose yourself

It’s ugly when you are out of control

Random thought 5: Facebook

Waiting until my food are all ready to be serve

What if life is simple like that, waiting for things to poof

That world would be like heaven

No worries just waiting for something…

Heaven? I guess facebook doesn’t exist in that world

Since man created it, likely it would be rejected during the main entrance

Unlike Olympus, that way Zeus would be updated

Random thought 6: Floating

Whenever I hear the soundtracks from Pride and Prejudice and Hana Kimi

I get the feeling of wanting to be with those clouds again

The ones were pinned on the blue sky

Thinking about it made me remember the times when stuck in a boat trip

I prefer to seat near the windows, where the clouds perform

Underneath those blue sky is where I would like to be

But it end up falling anyway, to a person unworthy


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