Random thought 10: friends
Mixing old friends with new ones
Usually I don’t like the idea on mixing since conversations are hard to pass through
I don’t like the idea also on having to lead the conversations, I hate thinking
Or making up to pass time
It would be a splendid sight seeing them together
Talking or exchanging jokes
Tired I guess it should be to whom should be
Random thought 11: money
I’m horrible in saving money
It’s just like they just poof away from me
Dead broke and there is no one I can run to
My roomies are complaining
Hell yeah the shit part is its true
It’s my fault for spending unnecessary
Screw money!
Random thought 12: make up
Seriously I can’t stop watching those video beauty blogs on youtube
Its like a part of me actually likes to try ahead and slabber my face with oil or powder
Honestly its quite fun doing stuff I dunno maybe some other side of me is like that
Hmmmm I don’t hate it, just its odd that I find these stuff interesting now
Of all the age group I’m under now hahaha but hey at least now I know
Hot pluck my furry eyebrows clean hehehe
image source [here]
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