5 things that Irritate You about the Opposite/Same sex
love how this cat look hahaha [image source]
1] pride – some people have super high egos that are so damn irritating. I do admit I have pride myself, but there are just some beings that even though they’re going to some rough times financially, they still will commit to useless stuff.
2] superficial – yes people are getting shallow that it somehow overshadows what’s true. I can’t blame them also since society has brought this up. Trends are ok but overdoing it has somehow lost the values and moralities. Look at some of the youth today who are wasted. They should have realized that being famous or having the latest fashion doesn’t secure happiness.
3] yappers – these guys are those who talk and talk and talk some more. They need to broadcast every little thing about their lives through social sites or sms. I don’t need to hear every little detail about it even if you going to take a dump or something.
4] flesh maniacs - I don’t know about this but there are some people out there who likes to show their bodies on their social network sites. Showing on their two piece or one piece shots with provocative or not so provocative positions on photographs, then making it a primary photo. Aren’t they aware that they are loads of perverts online and well can actually grab them, use them as wallpaper and do nasty stuff about them?
5] know it all – although I like to hear what other people’s thoughts, but there are some that sees them as well too much. I don’t know everything; you don’t know everything also so what’s the point of arguing on some stuff? We should always remember that there are people who are smarter or dumber than us. The worst part is saying those stuffs but when you put it into actions, negative results.
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