Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentines... still alone

hehehehe, its valentines day and yet i'm feeling lonely... it's been a while that i posted in this blog but well foe the past weeks many happen lately.. i did forgot about this blog, so its a good thing i remembered. ^_^ hehehehe... well, still people come and the sun and stars go by... the same old me even after years of trying to change something... i don't know. maybe something... since its valentines day, chocolates, greeting cards anf red flowers are coming... so fast... the sad thing i didn't get any... maybe i'm just being jealous for other girls receive something, except for a friend of mine who gave me a bathgel, it was relly nice of her to give something... on the other hand, ny brother is kinda love sick or something... he tries to write this letter to a friend, it was great though but i think it should be better if he should stop writing and do the things he wants to say to her.... i feel kinds irritated for him... another clasmate of mine is so afraid of saying what he feels to the girl that i almost see him crying in front of me... it was weird for a guy to cry like that... i can really see that he cares so much for that girl.. i did try to help him but he thinks i'm being overacting.... hehehehehe.... maybe ^_^
well all i can say is that this valentines day sucks! i did get a mysterious txtmate and up to now it didn't reply... i hope something great will come... as for another txtmate of mine, he's kinda mature but likes to hang around, i just wish i could see him face to face though, maybe the day will come.... ^_^
we did had our tribute to parents and i was playing a role for a short play.. it was successful and my father thinks it was kinda nice and hidden for i never tell them i know how to act, but only a lilttle... hehehehe, the food was great and everything went a ok....
prom night is coming up, and were alreay practicing, my partner was my clasmates younger bro... good thing i match up with a nice looking face too, tough luck! hehehehe ^_^ i just hope that the night will be fun yet unforgetable coz its the last time i'll experienced being in a prom night....
that's all i could type for now... babo evrybody


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