Monday, November 15, 2010

Pseudo Tumblr list # 10

A picture of something that describes/relates to your life

similar to this having mess up hair and doesn't car about it [image source]

Recently I have this similar image of me on my head. People first judge me on how maldita (bitchy) I am and that I frown a lot. Sorry if I am like that but really I’m mad as a nut.

Guess that I am tired of the same old impressions that I end up realizing it that maybe there is a reality to this picture.

The upward nod of the head says that I maybe like this but I’m also a breakable person. I like to hide my weakness mostly. This stance also indicates if you go ahead and break me it will be hell. I really don’t like what had happened to me back in high school. It was a drama! I hate dramas and self pity but mostly people do that to me. I don’t know I didn’t ask for it but they tend to throw me anyway. All I wished was that for me to have a good life but no, frequently received some useless garbage.

This is why I promised myself in college I wouldn’t be this pathetically weak. Desperate for change surprisingly it happened.


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