Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Sour Bloodline

I had this so called dilemma in my head when my first two cousins started to live with us in college. What I didn’t think about it was what a pain in the ass my world would be living with them. Never realize that the people you grow up together with would be totally different once you live with them.

So at first, I thought it would be so much fun I mean at least I could have another person to talk to when my brother isn’t around. Backfired. It went something like being constantly nagging on how everything was a mess. Three years had passed and still there are some major issues that I would really like to clarify with them especially the girl. At that time I didn’t have the guts to share it in this blog since causing trouble would add more fuel to the argument.

My cousins are both on the same grade in college, girl and boy but the boy is older. They go to the same university as I did so I was being a chaperon/cousin/roommate/guardian at that time. I was the eldest so I was given the responsibility of looking out the younger ones, as to my nature I really don’t like being strict and make some rules but there are some people who are really hard headed.

The first few months of the semester, it was okay. My junior college at that time was hell since I was loaded both physically and mentally in school. Home was like a sanctuary of sleep to me and wants it clean. Personally I am not a clean freak but of course I know the difference between a mess and a pile of mess. At first I didn’t mind the little trash or the smell but it was getting into my nerves. I would constantly see the unwashed dishes in the sink or the garbage bag wasn’t thrown out yet or the amounts of hair stuck on the bathroom floor. I reminded everybody about it yet the same results, even my brother started to complain about it. The only good thing I witnessed was that at least the boy cousin knows how to clean stuffs; the girl was kinda pain on the ass. I don’t know maybe she is that lazy or doesn’t know how to clean stuffs but for crying out loud, she’s a girl! She should be the one who is more conscious about her surroundings but instead her brother is the one usually doing it! Tsk

having extended family living with you has its ups and downs [image source]

And oh don’t get me started on the other stuff. Personally I don’t care if they get their first boyfriends or girlfriends but at least they should tell me not hide from it. Naturally you should be careful on to whom you trust in this world, especially if you are a girl. Let me ask you; is it ok for a girl to be alone in a taxi with your newly met male classmates? Unless if you know those guys quite well right? Another question; is it ok for a girl to be alone with a guy and be invited to go to a mountain view with the guy’s high school barkada? For crying out loud I mean why would be the girl go after a guy, have some dignity left! Plus when we tried calling on the guy’s cellphone, he wouldn’t answer just end it. Who wouldn’t be worried then? Those were some stuff that happened three years ago and just recently. Who wouldn’t be suspicious if almost all of my college classmates claimed that they saw my girl cousin with a guy eating alone on a food chain or that they were constantly spotted on a mall together or that they were so sweet together holding hands and stuff? When I asked her, she usually denies it. That’s the sour part, denying in front of me while others have evidences shesh! Then it gets to the point that she constantly comes home late in the evening on a school night. When I asked her brother her where abouts, he had no idea; I was getting pissed off since no freshmen can be that demanding on time to work on academics. Plus her brother comes home before her and they had the same schedule. It was really hard since my auntie keeps on checking on them every day and I had to make some excuses so that it won’t get to the point of panic. Really I was in a position that I really dislike, holding authority to someone’s freedom but her actions forced me to do it.

I have to admit I was also guilty on coming home late also during weekends usually I unwind myself due to stress in school. It’s sort of therapy every weekend since junior year in nursing is hell, maybe she saw me as an example but during school nights that’s a different story.

Things got way out of hand that finally the news reached the grownups. It was chaotic and I have no idea what was her defense though. But I am pretty sure she did some covering up on some parts of her story since it’s more like we (me, my bro and her bro) were to blame. I don’t get it but they prefer her story than her bro’s, the more truthful side. Yes it was unfair but I have no choice. I just shut up about it and ignored the situation so that nobody can get beaten up further.

When they moved out of the room and transferred to the other one, it was a relief for me. At least I don’t have to deal anymore on the mess and I don’t have to face with the same dilemmas over and over again. Presently, the mess I kept on mentioning is present on their room as we speak. Really it’s like a storm in there plus her brother usually is the one who cleans the room often, poor thing. I could still hear them having fights, even our landlady said so herself. I don’t know and I scarcely see her sometimes though in a week. Usually her excuses are duties and projects but there is something fishy on her story I mean you know exactly what to expect since I’ve been there! Hai it’s giving me a pain but like I said I just shut up about it and hope nothing major happened to her.

Now, their younger sister is entering college now together with my cousin who is my roommate as well. Ironically, my roommate cousin has somehow faces the same problems as I and my brother experienced with the elder sister. Like her elder sister, she chases after this guy which, according to my cousin, is ‘way pamatasan’ (no proper morality) or still doesn’t like to clean up with the mess. I don’t know how these people were raised but it’s kinda really annoying! Is this some kind of sickness that runs on these sisters? I mean look at their older siblings, they weren’t like that. They were more responsible and I really respect them a lot. My roommate cousin was the one who had a tight situation last summer because she was forced to spill on the grownups. It was like hell as she described it. Relationships broken plus her trust from her parents also was bitten. She had no choice, all she wanted was everybody’s safety but when it comes to a situation when you are labeled as the bad guy, you will do anything just to be innocent. Hai yes it was a pain again on the head. Now, my roommate cousin still said that nothing has changed after summer; the girl still chases the guy. She constantly reminds her that but her actions is still the same. I don’t know I mean that cousin of mine is really one bright student when it comes to academics but a loser when it comes to life.

The sad part is that their mother defends them more and gets mad when we say ill to her children. Naturally she’s a mother but if only she knows the whole truth about stuffs then maybe she will change her mind. All we want is everybody’s safety because really these kids are like immature flies waiting for some evil frog to swallow them whole. Don’t tell me they will only realize when something bad happen to them, then it’s not a problem of ours anymore.

Ignore ignore and ignore some more. Somehow it seems to work fine to us. Yet being worried because of their actions gives me some dilemmas as well. Like what my brother said, it’s their life they are old enough to make decisions. Yes they are old enough but we don’t want a relative to suffer due to regret.

They still have three girl siblings that have to enter college. I don’t know what these girls have I just wish they wouldn’t be like the others since it will be another pain on the head again.


  1. woah! that's like a long time coming...

  2. waaaaah yeah keeping my fingers cross for the best! hai
