well its been a while since i posted on this blog...
hahahaha life has been cruel for me for the past months... tha events were great though esp christmas.. i didn;t get to see some of my classmates on high school but all were well...
what's on my mind today? well just getting reasdy to pass 2nd sem in college.... they really put pressure in this intstitution but what the heck all i can say is study3x hahaha aand well it drives me nuts sometimes...
summer is almost here and well things are pretty neat and simple for me these days. all i caould think is trying to know it simple and yet just being myself.
a friend asked me though on what i smy first impression on him, he's kinda weird but he puts things seroisly...
my realtionship with they guy before was so over coz he treated me like a child.... i really want freedom and all and i don't want being follwed around or always calling on the phone for no reason at all! ^_^
well there are so many things in college that i didn't expect.... i hope there are some things that interests me so that my life would be colorful>>> FOR ONCE>>
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