its the second month, February and well the pressure yes sir the pressure is mocking me already...
like i said before, January would be like a swoosh month for me and here i am typing something so that i could clear my head for some reasons....

its Feb,the month were most of my friends celebrates their birthdays, worst the love month...
Honestly, i have nothing against the so called love month... until now hmm maybe because feb 8 is his birthday... who i am referring to? he's still the same guy i've been writing about and the one who triggers me to right these stuffs again...sheessh
anyways its also the months of birthdays....

feb4- mab's bday
feb8- his bday and champ (hale)
feb13-my dad's bday!
feb14- clyde's bday
feb 16- cousin myko's bday
feb17- ivane's bday
feb 19- lara's bday
feb 20- pongkie's bday
feb 21- marco's bday
feb 27- mario's bday
feb 28- edgar's bday
the list still goes on and on maybe others i don't know about hehehe and oh i heard the university's accepting poems from students... hmmmm maybe i should submit one?? a memory i could leave behind til i graduate? if i graduate (waaaaah). Just received my pics yesterday and waaah my head looks like a balloon... its so round... the photographers did a lot of editing its like waah not me anymore hahahha and the hair wow oh so natural hhahaha wish i could show you my pic but that means i would have to kill you first (hihihi)
to top of it all others schedules that concerns my academics or my ticket out to this course is kinda tangled up as well.... my calendar is nearly full and i couldn't think any other else but to sit back and watch other people go by writing stuff to notebooks, chasing not so glorious clinical teachers (as if they are celebrities) and sweating their heads up... as for me laziness would be my companion, for now...

back to my mind...
there something about him (the reason why i write these stuffs) change.... he's spark or charm well faded... unlike before he was well okay... nowadays i find him tired and lacks something...
like he's the one making all the stuff to make things work with her....
or maybe i'm just assuming things... i dunno maybe caught up by something??
he looks like he needs sleep, of course i see him smile once in a while (when i look at him that is nyahaha) but his laughter lacks luster... you get what i mean?? is it me or my eyes are broken?
this has been bothering me like a month now...and well its his birthday last sunday... but who cares if i greet him or not, he's just a piece of puzzle that i really want to solve.. or should i say love to solve YAHA!
so endless gossips still flutters around the air... i just wish that i wouldn't be a part o them anymore.... if i stay quite the drama would end... for a thousand years that is.. its a pity shortcuts could only lead to well not so nice endings
my dad's well growing old heehe and its the Friday the 13th hahahaha... but i don't believe in superstitious stuff anyways heehe
on Saturday would be the big day.... hotels and restaurants would be pack! speaking of it, traffic swings everywhere! i just hate sitting in a cab or jeep waiting for my destination... to my dismay only to find out that i would be like an hour late hahahai.... but for those who have dates or plans to the valentines occasion, good luck and please practice safety sigh* hahaha
as for me... i guess i would be busy making my requirements and try to find other greener pastures since i only accompany myself... but i guess that would be plan b
plan a is still on the works...hopefully!

have a hearty weekend!
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