Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Red Weekend

I have to admit this year’s valentines day wasn’t bad after all. It turns out that you just have to find other stuff to celebrate it. Who cares about couples only celebrating the hearts day, everyone can do it!

the love weekend

even this couple were loving the color red

Weird why people always prefer valentines day as single awareness day, you’ll never know I can even give you a better entertainment than the current gal your with (try me!). I just laugh about it but hey since it was the heart’s day, why not spend it with some color red.

As I mentioned before, 13 was my dad’s birthday. Ironically, his children are here in Cebu so we have to deal with it. Nah even though he keeps saying he has no budget for any party, he still managed to grab some few dishes and inviting relatives for dinner. Yeah I was jealous since I kinda want to go home badly. Nonetheless, free food was still my alibi that night.

Good thing, I was having two dinner invitations! One was my cousin’s 18th birthday and the other one was my classmate’s thanks giving mayhem. Hmmm since I can’t say no to food (literally!) I did manage to squeeze time and be on those dinner parties. Earlier in the day, Percy Jackson was my target. Kinda felt unpleased though, more like there’s something lacking to it since I am a big mythology geek. But it was ok in the end, with all the effects and stuff; pretty strong for a demi-god as well. They say that it was totally different from the book but hey Percy himself wasn’t bad at all. He was like a breed of Zac Efron and Ian Somerhalder with a kick of Ashton Kutcher to it. In other words I gave the movie 6-7 out of 10.

at my cousin's 18th celebration ( the one standing)

classmate's thanksgiving dinner (the one with a peace sign)

First stop! Dinner at thanks giving mayhem. Kinda quiet and I was expecting more students from section b. hmm I guess the celebrator wanted to have little perks to it. Food was great hahaa but only ate a little since I had another party to go to. Fast forward to my cousin’s 18th day. We were in a buffet so my stomach was really eager to getting to that part. All laughs, jokes, more pictures and getting high over chocolates were the best things you could ask for in that day. Plus with some fireworks during the night; I wasn’t alone!

here at SM Northwing packed with people

Chinese New Year was same day as Valentine’s Day. I was so eager to finally to get a glimpse again on some lion/dragon dance and wushu! To my dismay, I get all mixed up on the time slots so I lost and failed… kinda pathetic though since malls were so packed! I think due to my all giddy up I kinda forgot the time slots, made me pissed but only just an tinsy bit. It was like wow traffic everywhere, free tasting on some food and photo booths. Who could forget the roses, balloons, cakes and greeting cards? As for me my attention was on the lion/dragon dance. Only thinking of it that next year, I must see it with my own eyes! ^___^

My friend has this idea of toasting the last hours of the day. With two bottles of Soju, she was having her smiling face. As for me my attention was on the jelly I was eating hahaha color orange too. Kinda fun, it was like even though nobody owns you yet, it just simply saying that the only true master of you is you with God guiding it. I guess my brain got all hyped up (for the first time) and got me thinking.

my orange jelo! along with some junkfood and orange juice ( forgot to place soju bottle^^)

Definitely it was a red weekend! Oh yeah just saw the valentines day movie, hmmmm pretty good punch lines, got me laughing til 4 in the morning!


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