Last Friday would be the deadliest er rather the craziest penalty my life had ever done! I know my id won again and my conscience kept on kicking my brain on returning to the safe side. Once again I defy the law my mother gave me. I mean I was carried out by the situation so much that I didn’t think it as dangerous. All I could here was that my mother’s voice on the other line stating I abused my body way too much…which was true and I hated it!
I was scheduled to have a tooth extraction on Friday, same as my friend’s bday. Yes I did my best to keep that date clean but still due to my procrastinating ways, the dentist set it on the same date. At first I hesitated on not telling my mother, but I told her later that day. She went mad like mad mad. Her words were blowing off my ear on the other line. I was there at a friend’s house, my stuff was packed and I had like fifteen minutes before the time we were supposed to be waiting. Feeling pathetic, I couldn’t reply to what my mother was blabbing about, and finally said a lie to her that I was heading home. I ended up having to endure both pain and guilt all the way to Balamban. Yes I diverted my attention to the surroundings but my mom’s voice kept echoing through my head. I know I was really wrong and I know was acting stupid but then I had fun… I still managed to put a genuine smile to people even if my tooth was aching… I even dragged my brother to my pretentious intention just to get there (this part was not easy, my brother is a snake literally!). Its like instinct that I have to go… and I’ll have to deal with regrets later. Luckily now, nothing serious happened to my tooth yet except that the swelling and the eating part are kinda annoying.
I fed myself to selfishness that day but it was my decision, no one forced me or advised me to do it; even another friend said that. Thanks to her I wasn’t being a sleezeball or acting cranky during the moments of food, food and more food! Hahahha I know I’m a sinner for gluttony… and to think my brother said that I had very weird reasons for myself to be there (and I have to keep it to myself too). Literally my hands are shaking again when I do this kind of stuff. Yup ironic that I tried so hard to follow my mom’s advises but I noticed almost all of them I have the urge to defy them. Not on revenge though, maybe I’m scared that I would end up like her! See the pattern to what her profession is.
Enough with the conscience talking, all I could really say is thank you very much! I had fun, another page to my memory book, another experience to the situation both good and bad plus the free food I got. Weird I never saw a bibingka that looks like pancakes and very tasty too. My cousin complained on why I only bought three pieces, as if I have the idea they would love it.

PS: Big thanks to hungry kitchen for the photos! hahahha ^___^
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