It was like a scene from a movie, three friends in a car on a Monday night. Two girls and a gay guy shared some interests on what’s going on with their lives. I was one of the three having those conversations. It was on random stuff from careers to personal choices, yet it lead to this sort of topic which I find it funny.
more or less the night was like this, should have snap a shot for a remembrance hehehe [image source]
The other girl opened up about being single. I have totally stated this issue for like a hundredth time in my blog. What I find it funny was that I usually don’t get tied up in conversations like this. From hook ups to heart breaks or from marriages to unwanted pregnancies, my 22 years of existence taught me a lot of things. But honestly what l lack on is experience on the dealing of intimate relationships. I have to admit I sure do write about being on the negative sides of being in a relationship, hence I have low idea on what’s it’s like on the positive state of being in a relationship. Lots of couples made it clear the awesomeness of being in love and all that crap can bring yet what I find it convincing to be in such a relationship would be the companion of the opposite sex. A companion who would do anything and I mean anything.
I’m thankful for having awesome friends who tend to be crazy when I get lonely but you can’t avoid having those days when every friend of yours is kinda busy. The topic went on and on for like an hour or so talking about how lovely would it be, by someone who will be there always or just for someone to talk to. I tried raising my points though of patience and all yet being 2 against 1 didn’t work.
What I did however was telling them the existence of other aspects of life like career, family and friends. Still I know how they feel though since I was and now in my single hood in my early adult years. Tired of waiting I guess. It does get lonely and sometimes I perceive myself that maybe something is wrong with me. I just can’t figure out what. I mean look at other people who are not so average looking still can hook up with other people. My mother always reminds me of stuff like this about how the way I look and act. Really no one has knocking on my door for the past 10 years I think on my existence. Reinventing then? Kinda hard but as of now I am still convenient on the ways I manage my life. Do I really need to change just to get noticed by someone? My answer is no. Can’t do that I mean that wouldn’t be titled as me right? Yes it’s lonely but it’s more important to respect yourself first.
How about the points on the gay guy? Well let’s just say all he could think as of the moment was that he can get that intimacy stuff but true love is still missing. Sexuality has always been an issue just to get attraction but no passion is present. It’s like a simple attraction according to him no deeper feelings of genuine love. I guess being on the homosexuality stuff still got some issues on this country. I kinda get jealous on where they get their self confidence though. I have self confidence but not that way up like my friend.
I divert myself into thinking there are other stuffs more important than being in such a relationship. It’s kinda hard to do but like I said I have crazy friends! There are some other aspect of life that you have to go up and down with it, its balance you know. You can’t have all the luxuries in the different aspects.
Ironically the song entitled "I Don’t Need a Soul (to hold)" by Relient K fits perfectly to this post.

The other girl opened up about being single. I have totally stated this issue for like a hundredth time in my blog. What I find it funny was that I usually don’t get tied up in conversations like this. From hook ups to heart breaks or from marriages to unwanted pregnancies, my 22 years of existence taught me a lot of things. But honestly what l lack on is experience on the dealing of intimate relationships. I have to admit I sure do write about being on the negative sides of being in a relationship, hence I have low idea on what’s it’s like on the positive state of being in a relationship. Lots of couples made it clear the awesomeness of being in love and all that crap can bring yet what I find it convincing to be in such a relationship would be the companion of the opposite sex. A companion who would do anything and I mean anything.
I’m thankful for having awesome friends who tend to be crazy when I get lonely but you can’t avoid having those days when every friend of yours is kinda busy. The topic went on and on for like an hour or so talking about how lovely would it be, by someone who will be there always or just for someone to talk to. I tried raising my points though of patience and all yet being 2 against 1 didn’t work.
What I did however was telling them the existence of other aspects of life like career, family and friends. Still I know how they feel though since I was and now in my single hood in my early adult years. Tired of waiting I guess. It does get lonely and sometimes I perceive myself that maybe something is wrong with me. I just can’t figure out what. I mean look at other people who are not so average looking still can hook up with other people. My mother always reminds me of stuff like this about how the way I look and act. Really no one has knocking on my door for the past 10 years I think on my existence. Reinventing then? Kinda hard but as of now I am still convenient on the ways I manage my life. Do I really need to change just to get noticed by someone? My answer is no. Can’t do that I mean that wouldn’t be titled as me right? Yes it’s lonely but it’s more important to respect yourself first.
How about the points on the gay guy? Well let’s just say all he could think as of the moment was that he can get that intimacy stuff but true love is still missing. Sexuality has always been an issue just to get attraction but no passion is present. It’s like a simple attraction according to him no deeper feelings of genuine love. I guess being on the homosexuality stuff still got some issues on this country. I kinda get jealous on where they get their self confidence though. I have self confidence but not that way up like my friend.
I divert myself into thinking there are other stuffs more important than being in such a relationship. It’s kinda hard to do but like I said I have crazy friends! There are some other aspect of life that you have to go up and down with it, its balance you know. You can’t have all the luxuries in the different aspects.
Ironically the song entitled "I Don’t Need a Soul (to hold)" by Relient K fits perfectly to this post.
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