so what's my cooling effect? rain!

for almost 5 days its been raining... good tyming actully since i needed somthing to cool my head off.. rain was the answer... walking through it, running through it seems keeps my worries like less hehehe and to think i hate rain so much beacuse of the wetting of my feet and stuff...
i did trying to divert my attention hehhehe well it didn't work at first yet again after a few times of trying fimally it did... yet my peripheral vision always turnd one everytime i caught a glimpse of those two tsk3x
the other night, friday i think i had well an open discussions with my 3 closest college friends! hehhehe didn't expect that conversation to be that way but it was fun! trying to catch up, giving advices or ideas on what to do... it was kinda NICE... i didn't expect for them to be such good supporters hahaha winning over the guy lolz thats harsh but well i did occur to me on some points... and really some of them are well not that nice, talk about thinking morbid all the time..
saturday was our re-oral defend to our research... and well it didn't went the way i wanted to... i know it sucks becuase everybody i repeat everybody doesn't want to play their part... i mean they prefer to pass it on to someone which is so freaking annoying... they tend to have so many demands but where is their part? as for the panelists my god they don't even read the damn folders we passed to them... its not easy to print three copies at once and its a waste of money also... the pain in the neck was that during the defend, i also was the one disccusing it i mean i did the edditing, made the powerpoint and this?! and after that they decicded on having our reaserch pending becuase we didn't passed a sample brossure.. how come we should pass a brossure that the experiment we had didn't even worked... hahai talk about being the panelists... hai
so james and lorenzo had this amazing idea after our defense... wine drinking!

seriously after 2 bottles of the red wine, i was like huah! my world turned around haahhah i shoudln't have under estimate the alcoholic content of that thing... what made my still puzzling until now is that i've tried red wine before but it didn;t hit me like a bang.... i was shocked hahhahah and i can still remeber some pieces of it like the part where i ate kare2x hahaha and spilling wine all over the sofa twice! wahaahaha or trying to like "flirt" to lor's friend.. hmmm i only said hi but it was like hahahah shocking... normally i don't do that honestly... it was kinda early around 7 in the evening so i laid there in bed tuned on my ym and the status message was "i think i'm drunk... i think...juz buzz hehehe" see i was really drunk hahaha
i woke up 9 in the evening and well my "headache" was gone... not entirely but gone heheh thinking crzily i tried asking people where they are i mean its a saturday night... luckly jospeh replied hhaahha noelle's "friend" was here in cebu and he was from manila... so we tried to you know look ar the sites and taste some food around here ... first impression of noe's friend, short yet a people person.. he didn;t had problems blending in you know.. and the food and drinks was all on him! wow talk about being in food haven hhahaha it was fun... party here and party there.... well as wat mario txted "good luck in finding fishes out there" hhahaha it was thougtful of him to txt it and goofy too...
well i have no plans in finding any fishies... yet... maybe i should take one step at a time hahaha sounds fair to me... yet when i slept and dreamt about him again, funny coz i don;t dream about him, was that he was happy being with his gf now... well i guess thats a start seeing him happy and all....

trying to move on..hahaha nice one chez!!!!