since i'm so totally bored and well i've been online since 3pm in the afternoon...
time check: 10:15Pm
actually i'm cursing the computer for acting like a sloth, delayed actions are every inch on the screen and that my eyes are hurting like hell.. bleeding? hell no! puffy red? sort of more like an addict who is high enough to go and fuck everyone...

moslty the songs i downloaded were from disney since the company well sells a lot of christmas songs/albums every year, inlcuding with versions of the latest so called teen pop sensation...
still i'm bored after all.. i need a drink
not alcohol but something warm like melted chocolate or hot cocoa milk. coffee would give me headches especially the esspresso ones.. waaah those things are lethal! gave me like 2 days without a descent sleep! not would be the irst and last time i'll try that kind of nonchalant drink.. yuk!
yet i'm bored, can't sleep though.. dunno why
sleep is really sacred nowadays, but what i'm doing now? i let my eagerness of a night creeper take charge every cell of my body giving me grease-like stained eyebags and a face that has bad luck in it..
so i'm like typing anything that pops inside my head.. my brother is till not hear but he's alredy old he can take care o himself though
oh yeh i came acrross one of those literature pieces being posted on the net... the subject was sex and while reading it, i realized that it was well wonderful. the writer was pretty good actually... i thought he would like doing the thing like a maniac, eyt he didn't.. you could notice that the words he used were direct and yet so creative...words like
"hum of your beat ehoing through my drums"
there was sweetness in it and to top of it all, he is/was still a virgin when he wrote that... nice, it was very nice indeed... hmmm reminds me of the song bittersweet symphony
so what are your thoughts? mine about the mouth? hmmm the mouth could be a weapon like gossip, could be pleasure like eating or kissing or it could be a tool to understand, an instrument to express... the problem is to what extend are you willing to express? are you willing to share immediately to the world? its a no no for me... i prefer to keep it to myself... afraid? maybe i think i'm not yet ready since i noticed that i don't stop talking-- especially when i'm drink yikes!
time check: 10:45pm

wow more like 30 mins to type about and here i am still bored.... guess i have to go something entertaining... dreaming!
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