As the lights turned on and the music had hit the airwaves, waaah my heart can't stop beating! finally after days and days of blood, sweat and more sweat, the event of the year did arrived... it was totally full of crap during the morning since i was having problems getting my OHN requirements done... yet all of it did paid off, even if all things backstage was like a scam. Smiles and giggles filled through as everyone was on her/his best to finally give it all the best

Exhasuted and tired, i have to pass the OHN requirements the day after hai... Laziness creeped through and was able to sleep early around 9pm and woke up around 6 in the am! I cursed myself for doing that but cramming was on my side hehe... i was able to finish the whole damn thing less than 2 hours and was off again to school for the good for nothing practice..
The day turned out okay except for one thing, the section again was missing and no one showed up... supposedly we have a practice with the lights on stage, another round around 8am but the whole practice started around almost 11 which was so foolish enough since our presentation needs to have plenty of time to prepare like make up, suits and stuf....hai don't want to end up on stage sweatingor smelling like a pig.. so what happened was our section didn't show up for any practice with the lights and all... we end up doin it on stage pronto! hahhaha... it was the second time again we did that hahhaai i think evryone's goona kill us, that was the satement given to our president hahai yet i mean for my opinion 8am should be 8am not 11am right? the show was sheceduled to start at 4pm and the stage was not yet ready.... talk about giving ir's or negative anecdotals..

It was our turn and the theme was garland... even though the music they entered was wrong good thing they changed it quickly... bad thing was the floor was so slippery and it was full of those stipud confetti or other trashes... waaah girls were wearing heels and i was like sliding my butt out to sides.. i was constantly holding my partner to prevent me from tripping hahha but all was ok a few extra bloppers and more energy.... i think we did our best and it was fun doin all it... hai the dancing is finally done
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