hurray December is here! but the dreadful events of this so called life is getting heavier and heavier as every second of this humanity faces to yet another swell year... swell in a sense that time would be the most valuable thing and sleeping would be the greatest gift that any senior would receive...

nothing new much except for the endless duty days (which will last 'daw' til 12/24), sweaty-armpits practices, lots and lots of expenditures, deadlines to the kankong theory, sacrificing your butt out to find decency to my section to perform something on stage and hmmm what else did i mention the sweaty armpits part?
my decembers usually involved a lot or merry for the past years of my existence. this december is kinda different, i get the feeling this christmas would be a twist.. like in a
pretzel wherein somedays you'll be on top and others would on its dreadful times... and there are no loops or ends, its just goes round and round like being stuck in a road with only water and pretzels to survive....i know its like only the first day but so many things had already happened...

i just realized that gays are really not that smart (no offense but yeh i'm generalizing), they appear to be coz they talk more... as for their actions, well with all the booty shaking and acting like a gymnast-stunt stuff, i rather die than caught doing those moves of his... being in that single space on the floor, shaking my ass off that lousy music (stop by spice girls) and turning away from the audience and putting our hands to the sides sliding upward... eww i imagined myslef as a stripper in a cheap bar dancing in a pole yuck! its a good thing that we decided to end his cruelty, yet the decision was made very daramtically... drama for the part of the one who made contact with that midget...which lead to a very, i mean very, wonderful decision the class had ever made... the best part is that the peromrance would be not that plain, gayish, stupid kind of way but rather fun and more fun to do...
as for the sacrificing part, well i think my energy and responsibitities are the one being on the tips.... hmmm maybe i'm just tired since people have different tastes, styles and preferences and i can't just combine them all... some would have to understand even though its hurting their own personal ego. the things i do are whats good for the class... in that way i wouldn't feel guilty of being in that position and authority to do so... but i wish i would quit like right now... maybe i should quit that way headache-free
for the expenses, well the student body acts so dumb.. who would be willingly to pay 300/person and only 30 persons are allowed each section... and as for the place well there are lots of of other cheaper vicinity with roofs...i dunno the proposed place is really good one, its really above the belt for the students... other expenses would be on the hundred nights, its somewhat like a tribute to parents where they get to see their child on their tights (including males hahha) dancing their cute or not so cute asses on the stage... basiclly its just something like a presentation. Its a tradition already to the university.... which reminds me its also a "requirement" for us to graduate... sheesh and their would be lots of requirements to do again before i could crash myself with freedom

hmmm whats inside my head now adays are simply the pleasure to finally be out to this battle heheh and have no plans on quiting also, the road to redemption is finally making its pit-stop just a little longer nyahhaha
so december huh, marked those calenders and don't forget to bring something to the loved ones... hmmm i'm always broke nyahahah so i guess a customize-do-it-myself-chez-style card would be a preferable choice.. again this season nyahaha...
come to think this would be my last christmas as a college student... creepy...
next year i dunno maybe i'll be spending it in a local hospital or be at home just waiting for a miracle to arrive..

nothing new much except for the endless duty days (which will last 'daw' til 12/24), sweaty-armpits practices, lots and lots of expenditures, deadlines to the kankong theory, sacrificing your butt out to find decency to my section to perform something on stage and hmmm what else did i mention the sweaty armpits part?
my decembers usually involved a lot or merry for the past years of my existence. this december is kinda different, i get the feeling this christmas would be a twist.. like in a
pretzel wherein somedays you'll be on top and others would on its dreadful times... and there are no loops or ends, its just goes round and round like being stuck in a road with only water and pretzels to survive....i know its like only the first day but so many things had already happened...

i just realized that gays are really not that smart (no offense but yeh i'm generalizing), they appear to be coz they talk more... as for their actions, well with all the booty shaking and acting like a gymnast-stunt stuff, i rather die than caught doing those moves of his... being in that single space on the floor, shaking my ass off that lousy music (stop by spice girls) and turning away from the audience and putting our hands to the sides sliding upward... eww i imagined myslef as a stripper in a cheap bar dancing in a pole yuck! its a good thing that we decided to end his cruelty, yet the decision was made very daramtically... drama for the part of the one who made contact with that midget...which lead to a very, i mean very, wonderful decision the class had ever made... the best part is that the peromrance would be not that plain, gayish, stupid kind of way but rather fun and more fun to do...
as for the sacrificing part, well i think my energy and responsibitities are the one being on the tips.... hmmm maybe i'm just tired since people have different tastes, styles and preferences and i can't just combine them all... some would have to understand even though its hurting their own personal ego. the things i do are whats good for the class... in that way i wouldn't feel guilty of being in that position and authority to do so... but i wish i would quit like right now... maybe i should quit that way headache-free
for the expenses, well the student body acts so dumb.. who would be willingly to pay 300/person and only 30 persons are allowed each section... and as for the place well there are lots of of other cheaper vicinity with roofs...i dunno the proposed place is really good one, its really above the belt for the students... other expenses would be on the hundred nights, its somewhat like a tribute to parents where they get to see their child on their tights (including males hahha) dancing their cute or not so cute asses on the stage... basiclly its just something like a presentation. Its a tradition already to the university.... which reminds me its also a "requirement" for us to graduate... sheesh and their would be lots of requirements to do again before i could crash myself with freedom

hmmm whats inside my head now adays are simply the pleasure to finally be out to this battle heheh and have no plans on quiting also, the road to redemption is finally making its pit-stop just a little longer nyahhaha
so december huh, marked those calenders and don't forget to bring something to the loved ones... hmmm i'm always broke nyahahah so i guess a customize-do-it-myself-chez-style card would be a preferable choice.. again this season nyahaha...
come to think this would be my last christmas as a college student... creepy...
next year i dunno maybe i'll be spending it in a local hospital or be at home just waiting for a miracle to arrive..
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