the idea of brightness hit me when i was reading fanfics from the anime a perfect girl revolution... i just realized that maybe the leading lady has mutiple perosonlaity disorders hahhaha... if i'm talking french to you, just watch the anime or read the manga hehehe
a lot had happen lately but not that grand.... mainly consists if eating my heart out. There was lara's fiesta, my cousins graduation bash, college get togethers and pigging out with lara and carmi hahhaha ok i'll stop talking about food again!
other side of life, i started review and spent 2 weeks listening and contemplating my soul on medical-surgical nursing. Ironic, i find the review materials so easy but then i wasn't that contended so i end up hearing more lectures on the said subject. Next on the list, Psychiatric Nursing! When i hear this, my mind pictures itself on me ending up in a straightjacket that was color yellow and stuck in a yellow room hahhaha... bananas!
my sibling's bday was on october hehehe... i have nothing to give to him except my so called siblingly annoyance on forever being his greatful older sister... hahahha and that he should teach me on his saving skills! tsk tsk tsk. funny, i'm stuck in cebu and there he went home with my parents plus dinner in a restaurant. Not jealous since i did that when my bday was up last august...
it was the gray man's anniversary too... hahhaha felt weird typing this but i felt releived somehow, now that everyone was happy inlcuding me of course. Wierdness and goosebumps shoot up everytime i remember the time when i was running through the bathrooms to prevent gravity from falling those tears... hahhahhaha see goosbumps again!
i do miss someone hmmm since almost everyones is talking again about going to in houses for the NLE review this Nov. .. i know i had my time but i can't blame my memories for it hahahaha ^^

october will be the month for me of both laughter and pain (before!) but now it will only remain of one thing, beer! just grab one there if you have a chance since its october fest baby! ^^

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