I swear I gained a lot. I didn’t get my weight yet but I can feel the unnecessary fats running through every fold of my body! Tsk tsk oh well so much for less rice… actually I was more into the sweets and really I have no rice ever since… since then that is
To start of, Halloween was more on eating and boredom… since all I did was stare at the tube to scan some juicy shows… hahahaha I have no tv in cebu so I have to compensate er sort of like that… well too much surprise was not the perfect word for it coz there was nothing exciting on tv… except for that I watched again Top Chef season1 hmm I think its my third time watching the whole series… oh wait! So You Think You Could Dance season5 was on! Hahahha well all I can say is that some Americans were really er hard on the head…I mean rejection is like not on their vocabulary… yeah the judges were a bit harsh on “some” but mostly just well can’t… can’t accept reality. Just by looking at it, I was pissed of by a person who only like playing with her hands and skipping! It was clear no dance movement was on! And she was like cursing every judge on the audition! Haahha saying that they don’t know what real talent is and how unique it was ( ok I am being racist here hehehe). Wipeout Australia was not that good, the obstacle were the same as on the original but the hosts were kinda lame. Lame like corny jokes and some contestants were all talk. I am not a fan on the local shows though (yeah I get this a lot) since mostly Philippine drama are so predictable and no originality. Mostly the big networks on the business are copying each other’s wonder works and the stories on some are like the ones on Mexican series plus I have no patience on seeing 100 episodes on amnesias, finding true parents of the leading roles and crying a lot! and I prefer Mtv than Myx hehehe the reason hmmm more on a gut feeling since the channels always prefer their vj with the title vj on it and calling each other vj who to vj who. It’s annoying!
Speaking of myx, I just saw super junior m’s super girl video on the channel… kinda long but at least I could actually see it on a Philippine channel hahahha waaah that really made my day (*wink)

Christians like to spend the the first two days of November on rejoicing saints and souls of their loved ones. I on the other hand prefer to spend the night on cemeteries…. Weeeh it was my first time experiencing it in my mom’s hometown (somewhere south of Leyte) it was totally insane! Hhahahha and funnier since cousins and jokes were everywhere… yup crazy with all the sounds and fireworks hahaha
Ironically, my all soul’s day was more on the loud side. Like sharing stories to memories of dead loved ones, having to dress up white, house music filled the air mostly, more eating and fireworks! Haaha yes sir fireworks.. its more like a siesta with a twist hahaha of course prayers and masses were there and vendors were selling colorful candles yup not the plain old white, but the orange, blues, green and yellow ones hahaha the blue ones were kind a cool haaha since it matched more on the stony hedges.
I say pinoy do know how to rock the cemeteries even though some areas in Luzon are submerge still in water that they have to find their dead love ones being washed away by the rain (tsk tsk). But mostly the holidays were ok, full of laughter and thanksgiving.
Thanking them for without them, I wouldn’t be experiencing the wonders of life…
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