Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Finally! My own net connection is back… I have loads of stuff to write about but time is not my buddy anymore. The ironies of being a nurse has succumbed into my life that I hardly post in this blog of mine… I will not be in hiatus mode or anything it’s just that the adjusting period sucks a lot.

It’s been three weeks since I started as this work of mine as a probationary nurse. Its way way different from the orientation phase plus being in charge of a patient’s care is scary but fun at the same time. Scary since you have to deal with not only the patient but on his significance others as well. It’s just that people are different and have different opinions, tempers and smells. As for the co-workers they helped you a lot, although you have to deal with some explaining from them and loads of must-to-dos before you tell your side of the story. Hence I just listen, smile a lot and pretend that you’re ok or else everyone around you will piss you off even further. Fun part would be the stupid little things you had as a beginner (i.e. hots sitz bath chair that forgot to close so water came rushing in when poured)Experience is the best teacher for your skills to develop. The sharpening of these skills is by far needs to be sharpened a bit more. Mostly if the people you work with are cool then work will be cool as well. I did however make new colleagues that were pretty awesome as well. Even if I was freaking out in the middle of the hours (i.e. newly admitted patient who was fine went on cardiac arrest suddenly), I still never failed to have help from them. Others well need to adjust on their attitude since like I said you can’t please everyone.

I would dream to be my job like her but reality has its own surprise. This series is cool to

The only thing that I have to find it annoying was that on the load assignments. It’s like winning on a race track which I sometimes hate coz I let others pick first. And yes respect from seniors also. The station I am somehow belongs to cases with deep internal medicine. Tertiary cases are here and mostly patients have somehow have history of being confine to the hospital. Cardiac arrests are frequent visitors to the station as well.

Summer months are here so basically I am stuck on this four boxed walls alone. My brother had graduated from college so he’s at home and my cousin is on vacation mode. Good thing I still have net connection at home, the net connection which appeared suddenly out of nowhere that we, the less fortunate ones were lucky to leech on it. I seldom go out these days due to work and my mother has become my best friend. I find it quite weird yet ok since she’s a nurse and well she can really relate to the things I’ve been going on. We had these conversations about her first experiences both good and bad. Ironic part of our conversations would be the day she mentioned that she shouldn’t let me became a nurse instead proceed to medicine or have an office kind of work. She should have realized that years ago but this career had grown in me. It’s like learning to love it dunno but being passionate about it yet but I learned to love it during college. I understood somehow the physical and emotional aspect of man plus being able to help others feels kinda good. When you realized that a patient of yours was extubated and was recovered during one of your care. Relieving it is that somehow your care was effective enough.

Sorry if I have been blabbing about work too much on this post, this would be the first and the last since I have no intentions of posting like this on the future. I just need to ventilate somehow to things I’ve been going through. Until then I have to make some posts that are quite interesting to me and to the one who is reading this. ^^


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