Thursday, March 18, 2010

Seeing Blue Heat

The scorching heat is really got into me. Its like hundred nails pricking you in an annoying way! Hence I can’t get wrong what’s not to love about summer!

I usually complain of everything too much in the weather, until now that is. The heat is so contagious that it makes me smile seeing puffy white clouds in a big blue of endless. Gaaaah it’s like a smile burner!

my summer blue heat in ormoc city

Instead of going back to thoughts of problems, my door always pictures a blue sky. I guess being in the second floor with a small balcony is nice! Hahhaha all I could wish is how to get those clouds to my reach. Er flying? Now that would be cool. Hmm maybe that’s the reason why I want to try gliding and jumping out in a plane with a parachute on so much. Para sailing was boring!

blue heat strikes in dalaguite

When the sky is soo blue and I am stuck in a boat trip from ormoc to cebu or vice versa, I would end up staring to the clouds and let my mind wander. Honestly I thought bout the gray man (the reason why I blog again) during most of those trips. And still I have no idea why on earth would I do that. I’m really drawn with the clouds, like they are calling me to come up here and have fun with the sun. Kinda similar to him, they are like magnets!

across the sun on the sands of boracay

under the sun on the heats of borbon

Indeed summer is so contagious! The problem is I have no destinations to go to! Unlike last year, I hope to have another trip to trip this year.

That reminds me, ken zhu’s video was so blue, hahah the show me your love song. Er I know its like ages but then I have to admit this was the only song I love to hear before over and over again! Not a F4 fan though. What else that’s hot about contagious and smile? Hmmmmm summer treats then? That would be a plus sign!

Ken Zhu's MV on Show me Your Love (catchy!)
plus its a karaoke version

Showing some skin is not, definitely not in my list. That would be suicide plus I have enough of that last year (Bora moments). March is drawing really fast, and the real summer months are approaching along the way would be the dreadful exam. Until now, I have no idea when my date test would be. I guess I should stop procrastinating… in another day! Hahaha


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